Dear users. Due to maintenance work on our server infrastructure, the SimulationX Helpdesk may be offline from time to time from January 2nd to January 5th. The helpdesk will be available again on Monday, January 6th at the latest.

Using External Types in SimulationX 3.6 and later

Starting with version 3.6, SimulationX uses a standardized search directory for managing external types and libraries.

In the past, there was a separate entry for external types besides the Modelica search directory. Libraries that were saved in a directory under external types showed up in the library bar under ExternalTypes. References to these types within a model were marked with ExternalTypes. This has now been changed in line with the Modelica standard.

For libraries that were created with an earlier version of SimulationX and saved under ExternalTypes, there is an import function available in the directory settings dialog (Menu/Extras/Options). For more details, please refer to chapter 8.1.1 (page 371) of the user manual.

The instructions there should help you embed your external types successfully.

In addition to that, we have compiled some user information to explain the background and procedure in more detail.

Click on the file below for the full document: